
What is in Dog Vaccinations – What Dog Vaccinations Contain!

Whenever we talk about vaccinations these days, people start to ask, What is in Dog Vaccinations? They mostly want to know What Dog Vaccinations Contain and understand how good or bad it can be for their pets.

Vaccinations play a major role in protecting dogs and other pets like cats from major infectious diseases. These diseases such as Viral and Bacterial diseases, can be fatal or cause significant diseases that are difficult to be treated or cured. Vaccination guidelines continue to evolve with researches, development and a better understanding of these diseases and how to fight them. On the current scientific understanding and knowledge of all the local diseases threats, a veterinarian working with pet owners to develop vaccination plans that suit the particular needs of individual dogs.

Pets are susceptible to many infectious diseases that can be fatal or have a serious effect and damage to their health and welfare.

Fortunately, Vaccines have been developed and been improved by the time to be safe, effective and high-quality vaccines to get rid of many of these diseases threats. As I mentioned in previous articles (Read Here), prevention is the key to protect our pets. Just as in human medicine, it is best to prevent, rather than to try to cure, whenever possible.


Vaccines are the first defence line against diseases and the cornerstone of any preventative medicine approach to good health. You need to understand that the benefits of vaccines out weight the small risks associated with using it or using any medicine. The profound positive impact of vaccines is just amazing because they have been successful at controlling diseases and even preventing them from causing huge problems. Using vaccinations to protect our dogs or any pet, therefore, makes good sense and the benefits to both individual pets and their wider community are clearly evident when weighed against the alternative.

Vaccination – Veterinarians vs Pet Owners

As stated in Wikipedia, “Vaccination has become a controversial topic among veterinarians and dog owners. Specific adverse reactions and general consequences for long-term health and immunity are both being cited as reasons to reduce the frequency of pet vaccination.” Which make us think, why pet owners started to question vaccination? The problem mainly is not related to the function of the vaccine but to the source of vaccines which lead us to ask the same question again What is in Dog Vaccinations. Mostly it can be related to the ingredient of each vaccine.

Dangerous Dog Vaccine Ingredients?

Not long ago (around 40 years ago) the veterinary field had a misconception that the vaccines could be given continuously without harming the pets. By the time vets learned that vaccines last a lot longer than they thought, it can last more than a year and some of them can last for the pet’s life.

Recently, the dangers of vaccines have been brought to light, and pet owners started to ask questions. Some veterinarians are paying attention while others don’t and still use repeated vaccination. They either don’t believe or know of the research, or they’re protecting their income.


Whether you decide to allow your vet to decide how often your pet is vaccinated, or research vaccine safety and take an active role, here are 4 vaccine ingredients you should know and that will answer part of the question (What is in Dog Vaccinations?).

1- Aluminium

Aluminium the first ingredient that let us know What Dog Vaccinations Contain or might contain. Aluminium is the most common adjuvant in vaccines. It can be a reason for the degeneration of the brain and nervous system. It can also cause neurological dysfunction and problems. It promotes problems such as brain inflammation, disturbs calcium homeostasis, oxidative damage and reduces the levels of brain antioxidants (i.e., glutathione).

In the immature and developing brain as in puppies or in humans, it might lead to a number of neurodevelopmental conditions such as seizures. In the mature, especially in the ageing brain, these mechanisms can lead to progressive neurodegeneration, such as Alzheimer’s disease and ALS. Alzheimer’s disease is caused by plaque formation in the brain and chemical analysis shows an aluminium core at the root of each plaque. As for dogs, the damage can be profound.

Some researches like the one at UC Davis in California suggests around 39% of ageing dogs have at least one sign of dementia. The dogs had the same plaques as Alzheimer’s patients in humans. The Leading immunologist Hugh Fudenberg MD, says that humans who received 5 flu vaccinations between the year 1970 and 1980 are 10 times more likely to get Alzheimer’s Disease than those who had only 1 or 2 shots. Fudenberg attributes this to aluminium and mercury, which almost every flu vaccine contains. Note that, the gradual accumulation of aluminium and mercury in the brain can lead to cognitive dysfunction.

If you are interested to read and to learn more about how aluminium creates neurological disorders, read Dr Russell Blaylock’s recent contribution to Current Inorganic Chemistry.

2- Contaminants

Many of the adverse reactions we see in dogs caused by Contaminants that found in vaccines. Contaminants are not material or ingredient, it means anything that shouldn’t be there, That’s anything impure or unclean, is poisonous or toxic, or even the ability to cause disease. Vaccines can contain some contaminants that can cause cancer, autoimmune diseases, leukaemia and might cause other unwanted conditions.

On April 2010 in the Journal of Virology (Isolation of an Infectious Endogenous Retrovirus [RD-114] in a Proportion of Live Attenuated Vaccines for Pets, Journal of Virology, April 2010, p 3690-3694, Vol 84, No 7) an important scientific paper was published. In this scientific paper showed how 2 teams of scientists, one in Japan and the other in the UK, isolated a feline retrovirus called RD-114 in both feline and canine vaccines in the UK and Japan. Had other teams from other countries such as America or Germany also been looking, they would probably also have found the retrovirus.

The following are parts from a related paper appearing in Biologicals in 2010. “RD-114 was first isolated from a human tumour cell line (RD cells) derived from a human rhabdomyosarcoma after passage through fetal cats, and is thought to be xenotropic.”

That means they found this cat retrovirus in a highly malignant human tumour. “Xenotropic” means that it will be harmless in the original host species, but will cause problems (like tumours) in a different species.

The author Catherine O’Driscoll in her article on Vaccine Contaminants in the January 2013 issue of Dogs Naturally Magazine, continues, “One of the authors of this paper wrote to me privately: “If the ERV induces diseases in vaccinated animals and humans, it will take more than five years (in animals) to ten years (in humans) when the first patient appears. But it will take additional time to relate some diseases with specific vaccines because expected diseases are very common (such as cancers, lymphoma and autoimmune diseases). If so, when we are aware of the real risk of ERVs, it is too late because millions are infected with the viruses by the contaminated vaccines.”

3- Protein (Animal Source)

“Our ongoing studies of dogs show that following routine vaccination, there is a significant level of antibodies dogs produce against their own tissues…Some of these antibodies have been shown to target the thyroid gland, the connective tissue such as that found in the valves of the heart, red blood cells, DNA etc.” Larry Glickman DVM, referring to the results of the Purdue Vaccine Studies. If you want to read more about The Purdue Vaccination Studies And Auto-Antibodies (Click Here).

The microorganisms are often cultured on animal tissue like embryonic chickens. When they manufactured the vaccine, it is almost impossible to divide the wanted organism (virus or bacteria) from the unwanted animal tissue. It all gets mixed together and injected later into your dog’s body.

To make it simple, if your dog, for example, eats animal flesh it will be digested into simple amino acids before entering the bloodstream. The digestive system and process in most cases change the protein molecules so they won’t trigger the immune system to cause any kind of reaction. But when the unwanted animal tissues “foreign protein” injected into the bloodstream directly in case of vaccines it will cause such troubles.

The response from the immune system will be normal against any foreign body, in our case foreign proteins. It will start by activating the killer cells and sent them out to consume the cells which contain those foreign proteins and the fragments. This process is the natural reaction from the body to protect it from any overwhelming foreign body attack invading the body ( like viruses and bacteria). As the body is busy cleaning up the viruses that have just been injected “vaccines” along with other harmful materials including Thimerosal, aluminium, formaldehyde and more, the foreign protein fragments are not always destroyed by it.

So the foreign protein gets absorbed into body cells. T-Cells, start to sense that they are there, but they are unable to reach them directly and then start to attack the body cells that harbour them. This can lead to what we call “autoimmune disorders” such as allergies, cancer, arthritis, etc.

4- Thimerosal

This ingredient is mercury-based additive has been used as a preservative for a long time, it is known for decades how mercury and Thimerosal are extreme neurotoxic for the body.

The creator of Thimerosal Eli Lilly was contacted in 1935 by vaccine manufacturer (Pittman Moore) after they declared that Thimerosal is safe, Pittman Moore wrote to them: “We have obtained a marked local reaction in about 50% of the dogs injected with serum containing dilutions of Merthiolate (Thimerosal). Merthioiate is unsatisfactory as a preservative for serum intended for use on dogs.” (Director of Biological Services, Pittman-Moore Company, letter to Dr Jamieson of Eli Lilly Company dated 1935. U.S. Congressional Record, May 21, 2003, E1018, page 9).

Since then, many studies showed the danger of Thimerosal, as in a study in 1967 which found mice killed by Thimerosal when it has been added to vaccines. After several years around 1972, Eli Lilly found Thimerosal to be toxic to tissue cells in low concentrations as one part per million, which is 100 times weaker than in a typical vaccine.

The FDA proposed in 1982 a ban on products containing Thimerosal. In 1991, the FDA considered banning the ingredient itself from animal vaccines.

Finally, after 15 years in 2006, some researchers at UC Davis published a study that connects Thimerosal with disruptions in antigen cells knows as dendritic cells obtained from mice. The study indicated that Thimerosal not only a direct neurotoxic but it may also be immunotoxic.

Is Thimerosal necessary for vaccines?

As a matter of fact, Thimerosal is not important for vaccines at all, it’s the only job is to allow vaccine manufacturers to package vaccines in multi-dose vials. That means less cost for them. What Dog Vaccinations Contain, Thimerosal might be one of the contents of the dog vaccinations, but again why! Unfortunately, Some vaccines still contain Thimerosal till this day. To read more (https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/additives.htm)

The No-No Vaccines

Generally, these vaccines are not recommended include:

  1. canine adenovirus-1 (which causes a significant reaction).
  2. Giardia vaccine.
  3. Canine coronavirus.
  4. Rattlesnake envenomation vaccine.




It is important to know the CANINE VACCINATION GUIDELINES to avoid any confusion and misuse of vaccination. There are two sets of canine vaccination guidelines available:

#1 those produced by the American Animal Hospital Association.

#2 those from the WSAVA Vaccination Guidelines Group (VGG).

The fundamental principle of both sets of guidelines, as encapsulated by the VGG, is that “we should aim to vaccinate every animal with core vaccines and to vaccinate each individual less frequently by only giving non-core vaccines that are necessary for that animal”. To read more (Click Here). In order to apply these principles of vaccination guidelines, it is necessary to understand the definitions of ‘core’ and ‘non-core’ vaccines.

Let Us Break it Down

After we answered most of the part about the question of What is in Dog Vaccinations and came to a conclusion What Dog Vaccinations Contain or might contain, I believe everyone must come to their own conclusions and make their own decision. Vaccines, in my opinion, the best way to protect our pets from fatal diseases but that doesn’t mean I will take blindly before doing a small research about things like its ingredients. Here in fluffy health, is my job to pass the information I’ve researched and learned to you. But it is your job to think about it and then do your own research and be well-informed. Remember it is your job to advocate for your pet with full knowledge of the possible risks and consequences.

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