What Is Cat Food Made Of? Find Out What You Need To Know About Cat Food



What is cat food made of? Even today, the false belief about cats’ diet is still present, claiming that cats can simply feed on anything as long as it is meat. But that’s certainly not true.

In this article, we’re going to talk about the importance of cat food to prolong your feline’s life, provide the essential nutrients for him to experience a healthy life, or maybe to protect him from malnutrition and other disorders that might get worsen with a lousy diet. We’ll take a look at an important question’s answer, which is, what is cat food made of? Let’s dive into it.


Why Is It Necessary For Cats To Have A Special Diet?

So you think your dog deserves to spend some money on his food and your cat doesn’t? ( Insert some aggressive meowing right here) Here are five compelling reasons why you SHOULD get your feline friend proper food:

1- Taurine And Arginine

Amino acids are among the most critical elements in your cat’s diet because felines’ bodies lack the anatomical and physiological processes to excrete these two essential amino acids from food.

So if your cat isn’t getting it through their professionally-made food, then they’re highly not benefiting from them in a standard diet.

2- Each Feline Differs From The Other

I can’t stress this enough. Cats are just like human beings; would you eat high carbohydrate-foods if you had diabetes? Exactly!

Nowadays, many qualified manufacturers are specialized in producing different kinds of cat foods that suit feline’s shape, age, and certain health conditions.

Overweight cats require careful feeding using food designed to provide fewer calories. Therefore, less energy and more fermentable Fiber.

A few specialized brands mix additional ingredients such as L- carnitine, an amino acid that helps with metabolism, along with Fiber, to help your obese feline shed some weight.

Fiber is the key to improving digestion and giving the body a feeling of fullness. It also works as a cure for cats going through constipation because Fiber gives stool bulkiness and provides a healthier bowel environment.

Non-fermentable fibers are bad for your cats’ bowels. Thus, it is essential to identify the feline’s health condition and pick a diet that suits your cat’s needs.

In such conditions, purchasing manufactured food is a must because you don’t have the knowledge or facilities to control all the wanted and unwanted elements strictly.


3- When Your Cat Have CKD

One of the most prevalent conditions amongst the cat population is chronic kidney diseases, especially the old ones. In this case, you have to be mindful and accurate about the percentage of protein you let your cat consume.

And since cats are considered natural carnivores, they need to have protein-rich food, but not with CDK.

When your cat has some kind of impairment in her kidneys, it is medically advised to go for a little protein portion, higher fat, and high energy density, or what is known as the “renal diet.”

A renal diet consists of food that provides omega-3, fatty acids, and measured amounts of protein, minimizing the nitrogenous waste and decreasing the kidneys’ pressure. You know, kidneys work as blood filters which job is to cleanse your body of metabolic wastes.

It was proved that a good diet could prolong your sick cat’s life span to at least two years.

4- Not Enough Protein Might Kill Your Cat

Studies showed evidence that low protein is considered fatal to a healthy cat. It can cause retinal degeneration and sometimes fail to thrive situation in the younger kittens.

In their growing phase, enough protein is critical for these kittens. The body breaks down protein blocks into amino acids and uses them to provide enough energy for thriving hormones and processes.


What Is Cat Food Made Of?

Cat food comes into two types; wet and dry. The difference between these 2 can be huge. You feed your cat both dry and wet cat food. However, there are various important points to be considered that might affect your decision, such as age, breed, health condition, etc.

Dry Cat Food

Like how its name suggests, this kind of food contains a small percentage of moisture (water), about 8-10%.

Depending on the brand, dry cat food can be made out of meat, such as chicken, tuna, mackerel, and vegetables. Carbs and other foods like wheat and corn might be added as well.

These ingredients are mixed and processed by extrusion, which basically means that the food undergoes high heat and pressure to form the pre kibble. After that, nutrients like fat and heat-sensitive vitamins are sprayed on it to create a healthy, yummy meal

There is dry cat food for obese cats, cats going through liver problems, hairball producing problems, and urinary tract problems. More likely, every condition has its own specific cat food to purchase.

With all these various brands in the market, it is not hard to find a suitable category for your cat. Just make sure to read the label carefully before buying.

Wet Cat Food 

This kind of cat food has more moisture in it. More like 75-78% usually comes packed in cans made of steel or aluminum. 

Wet cat food is made of animals that are not likely to be consumed by humans, such as feet, heads, and intestines. Then they’re cut and grinded into chunks, mixed with other ingredients like wheat and minerals before they undergo sterilization and sealing.

What Is Cat Food Made Of? One And Only One Rule!

Whether it’s dry or canned food, all brands have to meet the standards published by the AAFCO, as known as the Association of American Feed Control Officials, which has guiding charts, books, and educational websites to help the labeling and regulating nutrients in pet’s food. Of course, they follow a strict observation system so that no brand can be released without permission.

Based on AAFCO guidance, each brand should contain an accurate percentage of amino-acids, especially Arginine and Taurine, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Essential Fatty Acids, and of course, vitamins such as A, B, C, D, and E, as well as Fiber.

Each component’s percentage differs from one diet to another, depending on the targeted population, ex; Grain-free food for cats with a wheat allergy, Renal diet for cats with CKD, and special cans of kibble for kittens and older cats as well.



Whether your feline is in-door only kind of domesticated cat, or in and out, it is essential to get him the right and proper diet. That was our take for today’s question, what is cat food made of? The importance of serving healthy food such as organic cat food is immense to protect your cat from unwanted diseases and health issues.

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