Dry vs. Wet Dog Food? Your Ultimate Guide Into Dogs Feeding



One of the most controversial topics is dry vs. wet dog food between dog owners. However, when it comes to our own diet, we tend to make many mistakes. Thus it wouldn’t be a surprise if we sit right there all confused about our beloved dog’s diet, right?

Perhaps the existence of so many dog food brands out there in the market gave you the wrong way of picking the best, and instead of making it easier for you and your furry friend, it complicated the situation further.

But, don’t worry because we’ve done the work and brought it to you all that you need to know about dry vs. wet dog food! Let’s get to the real talk!


Dry vs. Wet Dog Food

Making comparisons between the different types of dog foods is not a very good thing. Instead, we will list the cases in which wet food overweights dry food and vice versa so that you can judge appropriately by the end of this article.

When To Get Wet Dog Food?

#1 To Provide Growth Nutrition During Puppyhood

Growth is such a complicated process, and basically, it’s the end result of a few interactions between genes, food, and hormones in the body that leads to maturation.

During such a period, the body’s need for protein increases. Thus, it would be an excellent choice to go for wet food when your dog is still a little pup to ensure healthy and normal body development.

#2 Works Best For Your Old Furry Friend 

Age is a significant factor to consider when trying to get the right orientations about your dog’s diet, especially during puppyhood and the elderly amongst dogs.

When your dog has aged, and he is not the healthiest young man anymore, then canned or wet food is recommended for many reasons:

#1 It Repairs Water Levels In Your Dog’s Body And Helps With Hydration

The older your dog is, the more likely it is for him to go through many health problems; liver diseases, urinary tract diseases headed by kidney stones, and kidney failure. Thus, your dog is in constant need of water, especially when he’s not drinking regularly, so by administering wet food that contains roughly about 11% of water is going to help to keep your dog hydrated.

#2 It Helps With Managing Your Dog’s Weight

Again, old dogs may experience variant changes such as decreasing craving for food in general, and wet food helps your old dog by stimulating his hunger through a strong smell similar to the meat itself. 

#3 Best For The Gum

Old dogs who are going through some health issues related to gum diseases are the ones who benefit the most from canned food because it is leaner, easier to chew, and contains more moisture.

#4 Canned Food Is Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

Many nutrients get destroyed once they get processed many times, such as in dry dog food. That’s why wet dog food beats kibble in this category.

As you can see, wet food has far many health benefits for your sweet canine, but that’s not the end of the story. There are a few other things; rather problems, you might need to know before going on wet food fully-loaded.


Wet Dog Food Cons That You Didn’t Even Think About

Wet Food Is More Expensive

Here comes your beloved budget getting in the way. Well, just make sure to get ready to spend a few more dollars when standing for wet food’s side, because, you guessed it, it’s more expensive.

Wet Food Does Not Go Well With Grazing Habits

If your dog is somehow slow when it comes to food, maybe he’s into splitting his meal into small portions and likes to spend the entire day chewing on it every now and then. Please note that when serving wet food, be mindful that it spoils quite quickly when it gets left out for long periods.

The Danger Of Bisphenol A On The Body

BPA or bisphenol is a compound that acts as an androgenic antagonist and estrogenic agonist. The existence of this compound in a dog’s diet was linked to many health problems such as seizures and brain damage, diagnosed by blood tests that showed elevated levels of this substance.

Increased Risk Of Pancreatitis

Due to its high amount of fat, wet food stands in the danger zone for all the problems that are related to excessive fat levels, such as pancreatitis.

So if your dog is at risk like he already has some liver or pancreas diseases, it is advised to minimize his intake from wet foods.

Dry vs. Wet Dog Food – When Does Dry Dog Food Overweights Wet Dog Food?

There come the little kibbles, and it’s the time to break down the situations in which you would rather go for dry food instead of wet dog food.

Dry Food Is Great For Travellers

Because it is stored differently, easier to carry around, dry food makes the best choice for dog parents with a lot of traveling going on, all you have to do is take the kibble container that can be plastic or stainless steel with you, and that’s it!

Dry Dog Food Help With Dental Problems

By preventing bacteria and harmful substances from accumulating on your dog’s teeth, dry food stands high in making these teeth of your doggy active, which helps protect the teeth from tartar buildup.


Yup! Dry dog food is sure less expensive than wet food. Thus you aren’t going to throw more dollars on animal food anymore.


Okay, Now The Other Part Of This Story; Dry Dog Food Red Flags

Sus Alert!!

Am I calling food suspicious right now? Well, the truth has it that a few cheap brands might contain:

  • Diseased or dead animals.
  • Harmful chemicals.
  • Even unknown elements that might be dangerous for your dog’s health.

Dry Dog Food And Digestive Problems

A recent study showed some digestive symptoms, such as bloating, related to dry dog food consumption. Nevertheless, there are many types and brands for dry dog food, and some of these brands offer organic dog food and unique recipes for dry dog food for sensitive stomachs.

Therefore, feeding your dog dry food will not cause any digestive problems unless your dog has an already digestive issue such as a sensitive stomach. However, it is always best to consult your vet before getting or changing your dog’s diet and food.


Dry dog food tends to contain far more preservatives than wet food, which might be because dry food needs a lot of processing and manufacturing to get into its final form.


Dry vs. wet dog food? Each has its own pros and cons, and what works best is to go with blended feeding, mixing the two types in a healthy, balanced diet that can be achieved by you and, of course, your vet.

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