Dog And Ear Infection – Dog’s Ear Infection Treatment



Today, I will write about an important topic, which is “dog and ear infection.” Dog’s ear infection topic is an essential topic for every dog owner; the purpose of knowing such information is to find the best dog’s ear infection treatment. To know the treatment, we need first to understand what causes ear infection in dogs.

Symptoms of ear infection in dogs can be as simple as your dog scratching at its ears or whining. What causes ear infection in dogs can be and of the different organisms like Bacteria or Yeast ( Fungus ).

You need as a dog owner to take care of your dog’s ears hygiene. Otherwise, your dog will face this annoying and sometimes painful infection. Your dog will start whining and scratching them so hard that sometimes make them red and raw, which indicate an ear infection or ear problem, and even causing further issues and complications.

The same as Humans, Dogs, might have three kinds of ear infections (Otitis externa, media, and internal). The infection is common in those with floppy ears such as Basset Hounds and Cocker Spaniels. It is good to know and read about this kind of problem to understand and know how to reduce or prevent this infection or at least reduce its severity.

Before I start with the symptoms of ear infection in dogs, I want to point out what these terms mean. Otitis externa is an inflammation that affects the outer part of your dog ear canal (external portions of the canal, the effect mainly on the cell lining this area). The Otitis media is the inflammation of the middle ear. Otitis interna refers to the infection of the inner ear canal, both Otitis media and interna are the cause of the spread of infection to the outer part of the ear.

Also, you need to know that Otitis media and interna are severe. Because, if the infection is not treated, it can lead to deafness and signs of vestibular disease such as head tilting or lack of coordination and let us not forget that it might lead to facial paralysis.

Let’s begin with the symptoms of ear infection in dogs.


Symptoms Of Ear Infection In Dogs

We all suffered from an ear infection, and maybe some of us having this infection every year. We all also felt that annoying pain, the urge to itch, and that lousy smell discharge. It is simply a sensitive area that got inflamed, so most of the time, the symptoms are apparent.

Therefore, the symptoms of ear infection in dogs is not different from what humans feel when they have an infection. The most common symptoms can include:

  • Head-Shaking
  • Scaly skin
  • Whining and may be pawing at the infected ear (if one is infected)
  • smelly discharge ( Dark in color)
  • Redness
  • swelling
  • itchiness

What Causes Ear Infection In Dogs

Before we answer the question of what causes ear infection in dogs, you must know that the structure of humans’ ear canal is different from that in dogs, and it is in our benefit. However, In dogs, the structure of the ear canal more vertical, which is by itself a risk factor to hold fluid and to have ear problems like an ear infection in dogs.

But, what causes ear infection in dogs?

The most common causes of ear infection in dogs include:

  • Bacteria
  • Yeast(fungus)
  • Moisture(An excellent environment for bacteria to grow)
  • Viruses
  • Mites( But more common in puppies)
  • Thyroid problems
  • Injury
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Allergies
  • Endocrine issues
  • Excessive cleaning

As we noticed, many different causes may develop an infection in our dog’s ears! If your dog suffers from an ear infection, the first step is to find the cause. By knowing the cause, your veterinarian can find the best treatment for the infection.


Diagnosis Of Ear Infections In Dogs

Once you notice that your dog with one or more of the symptoms of ear infection in dogs we mentioned before, you should take your dog to the veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis. It is crucial not to wait and take your dog as soon as possible.

As I mentioned, it could cause unpleasant complications such as deafness if not treated! And it is vital because, with the proper early treatment, you will protect your dog and prevent the infection from spreading to the middle or inner ear.

Without a doubt, your veterinarian will ask you about your dog’s health history because the dog and ear infection are connected, sometimes the symptoms of ear infection in dogs can show signs of other diseases such as endocrine problems. Dogs can have infections so quickly, and you should answer honestly with all the details. Remember the vet might be a different person than your typical person so they need all the information you can provide.

Do not worry; the questions will be just like any usual question you encountered when you visited your doctor. The questions will be about symptoms, duration of each sign, if there is a terrible odor, discharge, the color of discharge, or pain. If your dog has allergies or if it’s on medication, you should let your veterinarian know about that.

After that, the physical examination will begin, which, due to the painful infected ear, your dog might need sedation. Also, other tests may include different things.

One procedure is diagnostic in case of middle or inner ear infection is to insert a spinal needle to take a sample from the ear fluid for microscopic examination. It can show the infection and which type. Other studies might include CT or MRI scans, blood tests, urine analysis, Or even Biopsies and X-rays in extreme or chronic cases.

Treatment Of Dog’s Ear Infection

Here, I want to divide the treatment of the dog’s ear infection into two types depending on the severity of the infection. Dog and Ear Infection both are just like Magnets. Dog’s ear infection can happen so often and rebound if we didn’t pay attention to the treatment and do it right.

If the infection is NOT so severe, your veterinarian will clean your dog’s ears thoroughly to make sure it’s clean and sterile. Then give you a prescription and instructions. The prescription will include topical medication and/or antibiotics, pain killers for the pain, and/or steroids to ease the inflammation and instruct you to give it to your dog at home.

You need to follow the instruction precisely because stopping the treatment or not doing it right might lead to recurrent infection, which we do not want it!

If the ear infection IS severe, your vet might keep your dog in the hospital for treatment and to monitor its condition carefully. Most of the infection takes from 10 days up to 30 days to be entirely resolved. However, some might take longer, especially if the case is chronic.


How To Prevent Ear Infections In Dogs

How to prevent ear infections in dogs?! Isn’t that the best question? You should always ask HOW.

It is simple when it comes to prevention. All you need to do is routine ear cleaning, which reduces the chances of infection ( but be careful too much cleaning is also bad). If your dog has a moisture factor, then you need to dry its ears after swimming or after taking baths.

Another way is to use home remedies to keep your dog’s ears clean and protected against such infections. Also, there are some natural treatments you can consult your vet about, which are perfect for your dog’s ear infection.

So basically, all you need to do is keep your dog clean and dry. When you own a pet, it might feel like a significant duty and so many things to do. But remember your dog is your family now.

So finally, I hope you found this article useful and informative. Let me know your answer down below. What are the symptoms of ear infection in dogs, you know? Do you have more information or tips about how to prevent ear infections in dogs? Write them down below.

If you have any other questions or different opinions about it, leave a comment below.

Today’s funny Quote:

“In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn’t merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.” — Edward Hoagland

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5 years ago

Very informative and helpful. While my dog hasn’t had ear infections, my cat has had many. It seems like, once they get it once, it becomes easier to get it again. He also gets ear mites in the Summer, which probably contributes to it. I’ll try to clean his ears more often.

5 years ago

I am a dog owner myself and I knew that dogs could have problems with their ears, but I was not aware that they could get ear infections. I just thought they could get fleas and ear mites. Because of what you have written I will be paying closer attention to what my puppy does from now on. Thank you!

5 years ago

I am a pet lover and this is really great information, you will be on my list of sites to visit when I have questions about my sweet Sam (black pug) When I first got him he was scratching at the ears and thankfully I caught it early, got him to the vet and he felt better almost immediately. Thank you for all you do!

5 years ago

Thank you for the information and great tips.

My niece, a German shepherd, has been suffering from a recurring ear infection. It has become so severe that now the dog has cauliflower ear. I was just doing some research to help her when I came across your article.

I am going to send it over to her to read. I am thinking maybe she is not keeping them clean or maybe her vet is not doing enough to treat it. I am always worried now that it might be a symptom of a deeper issue.

Thank you again for writing this article. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

Marcus John Constantine
5 years ago

Nice website Mohammad, very informative being a dog owner myself it’s good to know this information just in case I don’t notice any symptoms Appreciate your work here. .

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